Take a trip around the island
Last Friday, I think, we went on an island tour. Yeah Friday before Easter - not a great day to be a tourist, they close a lot of things that day. But I thought everything that we were going to visit would be open - I was wrong :(
Anyway. We started early in the morning going south to Lindos - the white village. What an amazing place, I got all calm and felt so relaxed there. If I could I would go there every day after work to calm down, haha! Well we walked to the Akropolis there, half way up we get the info that it's closed due to easterfriday! Dammit. So instead we walked all the way back down again and then walked to the beach. It was nice too, but I badly wanna see Akropolis.
After a while we hopped on the bus again to go to Monolithos to check out the view from a mountain and there we could buy some local produced Honey from Theodor. An amazing old man who has a little shop up on he mountain. I bought some for my parents (I don't like honey)
After this it was finally time for lunch, I had packed some snacks (can't spend hours in a bus without eating). Rule one I broke, don't eat in the bus! (I'm such a great role model for my guests) And after lunch it was time for a nap, amazing! :)
Hard working woman...
Today's been a great day, work wise :) I've got a lot done that will give me some extra time off this weekend and next week :)
It's soon time for me to go home to clean my apartment, I'll have some company here next week. My dad arrives on Sunday so it needs to be clean(er) by Sunday noon. I also have to go get some food, he needs food and so do I.
I can't wait to get some company here, it's been a little lonely lately. But I'll be fine. Can't wait to see my dad tho :)
The bike
There's a loooong story to tell about my bike, Bettan. I thinks she's getting old and tired, after two weeks together she's giving up.
First I lost the key to my bike lock, that was Sunday morning, and I was in a hurry to get to work... So I had to get a taxi and then in the night Monica helped me to get the lock undone with a saw and then I got a new lock :)
You might think this is the end of the story, but it's not.
The day after I biked to town happy as never before and parked my bike to work. Then a friend of mine picked me up in town to go to a store to get a few things (the store is faaaar away) and when I get back to get my bike I feels strange when I start my way home. Ohh noo! It's a flat tire. Okay, walk Bettan to the bike shop, park it again and call my friend so that she can bring me home. The day after it was fixed and I picked it up, walked it home for some reason and parked it in my house :)
You might think this is the end of the story, but it's not.
This morning on my way to work it felt strane again, all the bumps in the road felt like they were 1 meter high and that I was on a really heavy thing that just fell right down on the street. So I stopped and looked at the tire. Oh noo! It's still a flat tire. And just like the morning when I lost my key I'm in a hurry... So I just have to bike on it anyway. And soon I'm off to ask the guys at the bike shop if they ever fixed that flat tire a couple of days ago...
This will be the end for today, but I'm sure Bettan will protest again this summer...
Easter is here - and...
... I love it!
Easter is the holiday I like the most after Christmas. And being able to celebrate it here in Greece where they celebrate BIG time is amazing! I'm enjoying every minute of it and I sleep 4 hours/night. (And for those of you who knows me well will be in chock now, haha)
Last night I went to church (!) with Gabriella. We waited for almost 3 hours for the throne of flowers to 'exit' the church. Hundreds of people did the same. And I'm glad we waited, it was beautiful.
This throne is later carried around town by the military and then later (I didn't follow them all the way) they place it in church. This ceremony takes hours.
Tonight is the BIG night. We are going to church again and I'll try to get a few pictures of what happens there.
I'll have an other sleepless night, but who cares? It's Easter and I can sleep an ther weekend :)
Happy Easter dear friends!
Happy swedish fish
It's been an amazing day. I don't know why, but it's been great! :D I'm happy, the sun is shining, it's warm, and I have a great job!
The red eggs is needed for Saturday to crush (?) them against each other at midnight to celebrate resurrection (?) of Jesus! I'll keep you updated later this weekend about it! I promise I'll take lots of photos :)
If you don't have your mum around to give you an Easter egg it's good to have an extra Greek one. (A few of the red eggs ended up in my Fridge)
It's Easter time too, today I've been painting eggs with my Greek family, we have to make this Easter very special and I ''force'' them to do all the things you have to before Easter. Red eggs is one of the things you need for Saturday night after church. So we did that today :)
If you don't have your mum around to give you an Easter egg it's good to have an extra Greek one. (A few of the red eggs ended up in my Fridge)
I don't have to wait any longer...
The icecream place is open and I'm telling you nothing can ruin this day. #happyswedishfish
First arrival
Tea for two, or?
It's tea time. I don't think I've ever bought this much tea in a cafe before. Each time I wanna use the wifi (sometimes I check my email or so really quick hiding in the bushes outside) I have to buy something and a tea is what I buy, each time :) they know my order very well by now so I don't even have to tell them what I want :)
Last day of freedom, tomorrow we'll have our first arrival and I'm scared !!! Mostly bcs nothing is like Egypt and that's scares me. What if I don't like it here, what if I don't like working as a tour leader outside of Egypt... I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow and then see what happens.
Today's been hectic. Getting as much as we can ready for tomorrow. I've had some time to sit outside in the sun too, in my bikini. Summer is here! :) the Greek people still wear a winter jacket tho, luckily I'm Swedish ;) haha!
My crib
I've gotten the question about how my apartment looks like from several people (and I think you guys read my blog) so here you go. Welcome to casa Kjellberg
Julia gets lost in...
There's thousands of streets that looks exactly the same here. Not good for me, very good for the people who find their way around here. I get lost all the time... Haha!
I've been driving around today and I think all the other drivers hates me by now. I've been driving against one way several times bcs that's the only way I know to get somewhere, haha! Oh well, in a week or so I'll find everything around here :)
I went to get a few things for my apartment and then the rest of the day I've been visiting hotels and being lost.
Gamla Bettan
I need a ride
And I got one, a bike and I'm very happy about it. I promise I'll take a picture of this fantastic vehicle that'll show me around the island this summer.
Anyway it's been a great day. I've been on a guided tour in old town with our amazing guide Tina, if you guys come visit I'll try to arrange a tour with her for you.
Tomorrow I'll explore town with my bike and hopefully tomorrow night I'll find my way around there. I get lose every time I walk around there.
Sweet dreams.
Life's pretty amazing
Hi there, it's been a while (again) since I updated you guys on what I'm doing :)
I finally got my apartment, but I only hav a bed in there and nothing else. Hopefully I'll get a sofa and table this week but hey it's Greece, what can you expect? ;) the most amazing thing with this apartment of mine is that the terrace is gigantic! And I don't like it I loooooove it. Just need to get a sunbed and I'm all set for this summer ;)
Work is okay, haven't really started yet. This week is only for preparation and then on Sunday we start work for real. But not as much as we will have in the summer :)
Rhodes is a great place to stay at. I live a little bit outside of the town itself but it's okay, I'll get my own bike tomorrow and the taxi is only 4€ :D
The big day finally came. Yesterday. And now I'm here, Greece is awesome :) it's warm (still, suppose to get some rain today) and soon it's time for me to get up and start exploring the island
Hej på dig Julia Kjellberg 2013!
Tänkte bara påminna dig om några saker här i livet. Det som kanske är viktigast av allt!
- LEV LIVET, har du slutat leva ditt liv är det nu dags att börja igen. Du har bara en chans och det går inte att spola tillbaka eller pausa det (hur mycket du än vill)
- Gör precis vad du vill, inte vad någon annan vill.
- Ha skoj, skratta mycket. Det är du värd.
- Ta hand om dina vänner, och din familj! Visa dem att du älskar de <3
Jag hoppas att du har sparat ihop tillräckligt med pengar för att åka på den där resan du planerade sommaren 2012, den som ska ta dig runt i Asien i 9 månader. Har du inte gjort det, gör det NU!!! Jag vet att detta är något du verkligen vill göra och det är något du bör göra innan du flyttar "hem" (vart det nu kan va)
Jag hoppas även att du har kommit fram till vad du vill göra med ditt liv, vad du ska plugga eller vad du vill arbeta med? Har du inte det, skit i det! du har gott om tid på dig att komma fram till vad du vill göra. Som sagt att leva livet är viktigare :D
Ha ett fantastiskt år fram tills 2013-09-25, cant wait to see where it will take you!
älskade mormor.
vi trodde alla att det var en snöstorm på väg, men nu i efterhand insåg jag att det är morfar som städar för att mormor har tagit steget bort från oss här och mot honom.
Idag somnade min älskade mormor in, och jag vet att jag alltid har sagt att det skulle vara ett enklare farväl än det jag tog för lite mer än två år sedan då min morfar gick bort. Jag säger inte att det var svårare idag, och inte ens i närheten så svårt, men fy fan va ont det gör! Jag saknar redan min lilla mormor..
Vem ska jag nu mäta mig med och tro att jag växer för varje gång vi ses när det i själva verket är du som krymper mer och mer?
TACK mormor för allt du gjort för mig, du är en fantastisk människa och jag kommer alltid att älska dig! Hälsa morfar att jag saknar honom
Och hörrni ni, ta nu hand om varann och så ses vi en dag i Nagijala! vänta på mig där, lova det.
Älskade älskade du.
Idag är det min Morfars födelsedag. Ni som känner mig väl vet hur mycket min morfar har betytt men fortfarnade betyder för mig. Varje dag är det något som får mig att tänka på dig och jag kan inte förstå att jag har klarat mig här nere på jorden i snart 2 år utan ditt sällskap. Det gör ont varje dag, och jag tror det kommer vara så ett bra tag framöver. Alla säger att tiden läker alla sår, men jag tror inte att detta såret nåsonsin kommer att läka helt.
Morfar, jag hoppas att du har det bra i Nagijala och att vi ses där någon gång. Fira din födelsedag med pompa och ståt, det är du värd!
Jag älskar dig! mest av allt.
jag skrev i söndags om att jag saknade mitt liv och mina vänner i USA. och den saknaden har inte avtagit än, trots att jag då pratade med min fina fru, Victoria, på skypa i en och en halv timma och sen med min fina familj i Seattle i 1 timma.
Det är extremt jobbigt att sakna någon och något såhär mykcet, det tar enorma mängder av min energi. det gör inte det hela bättre att det skiljer 9 timmar och att jag inte kan ringa när jag vill för att bara prata lite, utan det krävs planering ut i fingerspetsarna! så jäkla tröttsamt!
tisdagen den 17 december
vaknade tidigt imorse trots att jag är ledig, sånt kan göra mig irriterad på mig själv. jag måste sova 8 timmar när jag jobbar men aldrig när jag är ledig och har tid att sova 12 timmar om det är så.
sagt och gjort, jag insåg att jag för första gången detta året kan se julkalendern på tv på morgonen. jag drog på mig min julpjamas, tände ett ljus och kollade på julkalendern. som idag inte bjöd på något bra avsnitt alls, typiskt!!!
planen för idag är att jag ska skriva klart ett syftes PM och sen skicka in det så jag kan få tillbaka det så snabbt som möjligt.
Idag är det fredag, och det är många med mig som är glada för detta. För mig spelar det dock ingen roll, då helger inte existerar i mitt liv längre :P haha! eller jo de existerer men jag jobbar varende en.
Dagen har bestått av jobb, i kylan. och inte så mycket mer än det. Nu sitter jag och kollar på Musikhjälpen, det är det jag pysslar med när jag inte jobbar eller pluggar. Eller beror på hur man ser det, jag lyssnar på det på jobb också, men tycker det är grymt mycket roligare att titta på de. Speciellt Timbuktu ;) shit va snygg han är! Det här med musikhjälpen, de spelar inte bara bra musik utan de auktionerar ut grymma grejer på internet. Det är två stycken av de som jag sååå gärna vill HA! En privat spelning med min KUNG Lars Winnerbäck och sen vill jag ha Usain Bolts signerade skor från OS och en signerad tröja. :D Snälla tomten, jag ber dig!