Hello there Elvis.
Igår efter frukost hoppade vi in i bilen och ställde gpsen på Graceland. Elvis bostad för er som inte vet. Vi dividerade fram och tillbaka över vilken biljett vi skulle köpa, olika priser för vad man får se och inte se. Jag bestämde mig ganska snabbt för att jag ville se flygplanen som han ägt. Vilket jag i efterhand är väldigt glad över. Shit vilken lyx. Handfatet och bältesspännena var i 24K guld!

Planet Lisa-Marie.

Elvis motto TCB. Taking care of business.



Trappan upp till djungelrummet ;)


Vi fortsatte sedan mot bilmuseet innan vi fick ställa oss i en låååång kö för att bussas upp till själva huset. Väl där fick vi köa lite till innan vi äntligen fick komma in. Oj jösses! Vet inte var jag ska börja? Det hängde kristallkronor i nästan varje rum, mycket var guldpläterat och specialtillverkat för att passa in i just det rummet. Bland annat soffan i musikrummet som va nästan 5 meter lång! I källaren fanns ett rum där allt var klätt i tyg, samma mönstrade tyg. (Se bild nedan) det va som om man var drogad när man kom in där, allt så likadant ut. Jösses! Det häftigaste rummet var nog det välkända djungelrummet. Som började redan i trappan upp från källaren där väggar tak ovh golv var klätt i en grön heltäckningsmatta...

Planet Lisa-Marie.


Trappan upp till djungelrummet ;)


The golden room - minst 150 guldplattor

Nashville- the city of countrymusic
Det har nu blivit dags för oss att lämna Nashville bakom oss och bege oss mot Memphis där vi ska spendera helgen.

Nashville har fått mig att älska södern. Kunde inte blivit ett bättre första möte med den här delen av USA. Vilken fantastisk stad. Vi har bott hos Kira och Jeff som vi hittade på Couchsurfing. Vilket innebär att vi har bott i Nashville nästan helt gratis. Vi har bjudit de på middag två gånger och det va inget vi behövde göra.
Vi har mestadels hängt i downtown Nashville, där man kan besöka mängder av olika musik museum av olika slag. Vi har varit inne på Johnny Cash museum som får 4 stjärnor av mig. Det va lite svårt att veta var man skulle gå, inga direkta anvisningar. Igår besökte vi farmers Market, och så var vi uppe i Capitol building. 300 trappsteg enkel väg. Tjoohoo träningsvärk idag.
Jag tänker låta bilderna tala för sig själv. Tack Nashville för den här veckan, jag är ganska säker på att jag kommer komma tillbaka.

Det där med att träna.
Varför får jag alltid ett obegripligt sug efter att löpträna när jag är utomlands. Har nu tre dagar på raken gett mig ut med mina joggingskor, trots att termometern visar 34 grader. Det låter helt obegripligt även i mina öron. Men det är sant. Har kommit hem varje gång med ett leende på läpparna. genomsvettig men väldigt lycklig.

Hoppas träningssuget håller i sig hela semestern. Tänk vilken form jag kommer va i när jag kommer hem då.
Har dock fått strikta förmaningar av min resekompanion om att jag inte får springa i Memphis. (Det sägs vara en farlig stad, Ja vi lovar att vara försiktiga) Så vi får se vad jag ska göra med min överenergi när vi är där :)
Bjuder på tre post run bilder :)

Oj va länge sen jag försökte mig på det här. Men kan ju va trevligt att ha något att läsa när man längtar tillbaka :)

Imorse började jag min långa resa mot Nashville. Men vi tar det från början, i onsdags (tror jag) smsade min vän Jennifer och berättade att hon kommer till Göteborg på söndag. Men vänta nu, vilken tid då? Jag åker ju på söndag. För en gångs skull så passade våra scheman ihop och vi hann alltså med en fika på Espresso house innan nervvraket (jag alltså) skulle flyga till München. För att sedan därifrån ta mig vidare till Washington DC för att sen nå min slutliga destination Nashville.
Anledningen till att jag va ett nervvrak var att jag hört att customs tar en evighet i DC. Och jag hade bara 3 timmars stopp. Dessutom skulle jag hämta ut väskan och checka in på nytt enligt de på Landvetter. Inget av ovanstående stämde. När jag väl kom på bussen till customs var jag super nervös. Tänk om jag missar planet. När jag kom av sprang jag ut och genom korridoren och kom fram till en TOM lokal. Det va en kille före mig i kön och jag var igenom på 1 minut. Ojdå tänkte jag. Såhär snabbt har det aldrig gått :) väskan hämtade jag och lämnade på ett band bredvid och här sitter jag nu. Med nästan två timmar kvar till flyget ska ta mig vidare till Nashville där min vän Johanna väntarz 

Rum forest run
It all started very good. I ran every second day and I loved it. Then I had people visiting me and I stopped, for 6 weeks! Which is a loooong time.

BUT today I started again, and I feel like a new person. This is what I've missed and I'm not stopping ever again.
I love running, and especially along the ocean. It's so beautiful I don't think about what I'm doing. Today it was like someone tried to kill me tho, +34C and the sun was still up. Not doing that mistake again. Note to self - don't run before 8.30 pm :)

Butterflies butterflies butterflies
Last Wednesday we only had departure transfer at work and Johanna had a day off so we decided to go to the butterfly valley. Such an amazing place. The nature was stunning and the butterflies were everywhere (see photos)
I've never been on a place like this before with so many animals from the same kind in one place (not that I can remember atleast) After a while I thought it was a little disgusting when it looked like the tree hog (?) was moving bcs it was filled with butterflies. But as I said earlier it was an amazing place. We walked half of the valley, we asked a lady working there and she said this is the nice half and there's not much to see in to lower part. Okay! And I happy we listened to her, I wouldn't be able to walk all of it. Uphill and +42 degrees! I have never been that close to fainting (?) because of heat as when we finally reached the bar on the top. And then we had the walk down to the car left... After a while we saw an empty taxi and this saved our lives ;)

Yes, all that is butterflies

Dreams - big and small
I have a few dreams that I want to fulfill before I one day can't travel anymore. (The most of my dreams are connected with going to another country/place). I have a Bucket list on my wall (and this always go with me when I move somewhere else) for me to be able to read what's next. Why I'm saving as much money as I can.
Some of them are smaller and some of them are bigger. And some is scary and some is not so scary. IF I will be able to do all those things I don't know - but I'll definitely do my best!
Next on the list is learn to do a handstand - might be one of the simple ones but it's still a little dangerous. I've started to practice at home against a wall and I'll get there without the wall one day, I know I will, but it has to take the time it needs :) this is I guess one of the small ones. And the next big one I think is going to South America, which includes several of the things on my bucket list, when and for how long this trip will be is not more than a dream. Hopefully it will be my next long trip, so in January I hope I've saved enough to go for a couple of months. I won't be able to do all South America in on trip, but parts of it.
One of my closest friends sent me a very good quote the other day. Something I wanna share with you.
"For every argument you make, I can make a logical counter agreement but at the end of the day it comes down to one thing: what makes you happy? If you really want to travel, go travel. Life will work itself out. You can always go home if you don’t like it. We are only here in this form once, why not live the life you want and do what brings you joy?
When you do that, the whole world belongs to you."
Epta Piges
Last week it was finally time for us to go to butterflies valley, everybody talks about this and tells me I have to go and I have to go soon bcs the butterflies won't stay much longer. I love to see new places so why not, Anna Gabriella and I picked everything we needed and drove there - and as soon as we parked the car an old Norwegian man asks me Are you here for the butterfly valley? Yes of course i answer him (there's NOTHING else to do around there, except pick olives and they're not ready yet) He now tells me it's closed! Ah dammit, what shall we do now. Anna is fast coming up with a new place, epta piges or as I would say seven springs. Epta piges is Greek and means seven springs. I thought it would be some kind of amazing Greek translation to this but no :(

(Halfway, but from outside the tunnel)

Seven springs is on the other side of the island so we get in the car and start our way down the east coast of Rhodes. Seven springs is a big tourist place, and there were a lot of people when we came. We looked around a little bit and then we started walking thru the tunnel, the tunnel might be 200 m (I have no idea, just guessing now) and it's dark cold and you walk in the water... I'm telling you I lose my feet after 10 meters bcs the water was so cold! Anyway, we walked for what felt like a lifetime thru the tunnel and after I while I saw lights :) halfway Gabriella tells me, oh I thought we were done... So we continued and I got the feeling that the lady in front of me was scared, really scared and then I thought what happens if she panics in here, it's people everywhere - totally ruined the second part of the tunnel.

(Halfway, but from outside the tunnel)

When we came out of this there's a lake (kind of) and a waterfall. Amazing nature, fresh water from the mountains - BUT way too many tourist...

Like a child
Saturday is one of the days me and Anna goes for an adventure. And last week she wanted to let 3 of her birds out in the free, so I came with her.

We went to a forest, once we've been there before, but to an other part of it. And I found a swing! In the middle of nowhere. Happy like a child I started to swing while Anna got the birds out. So peaceful out there in the forest. Didn't think I could find a place like that here.

Take me to the lake
One day a couple of weeks ago we went on a trip to the lake. I never thought there were a lake on this island but there is and I have been there. Before we went my friend Anna told me there's a surprise for me there, and you know how curious I am so I wanted to go directly to the lake :) haha!

Happy Swedish fish!

THE key!

It reminded me of how beautiful Sweden is in the summer.

After the lake we went to a beach south of Monolithos. They've talked about this beach for weeks too and I was so happy I finally go there. It was beautiful! 

It was a long drive there and when we finally got there the surprise was gone :( but we found something else, very interesting. Houses, several houses and in a few of them you could peek in to the window, beds and kitchen. Just like the places we went to on field trips when I was a kid to spend the night with your classmates. After I while there I hear Anna scream I found keys, and we decided to check if the keys worked on any of the doors there. Oh yes, it did and we walked in to two of those small houses to check what it looks like. Exciting!

THE key!

It reminded me of how beautiful Sweden is in the summer.

(sorry I can't remember the name of it)

On the way home we entered a festival, something to do with the church in this village I think. They tried to close the street, didn't work very well! Haha!

As we say in Sweden "man ur huse"
Im on top of the world
We did something crazy today. My friend Anna and I. Spontaneously we drove all the way to Embona to be able to drive all the way up to the top of the highest mountain here in Rhides. Attavyros mountain, 1215 meters above the sealevel. Like this wouldn't be an adventures itself we realized half way there that we don't have much petrol left I'm the car, but hey? What is an adventure with no adventure in it, right? We made it to the top and all the way to the gas station, so no problems.

It's always been in my mind to go up there but I thought I would have to walk and in this heat it's a little too much. But we'll do it again. But not until October and then we will walk all the way up... Right Anna??
I don't have much more to say, I'll let. The pictures talk instead. But I had an amazing afternoon!

When are you going to do something with your life?
There's two different things with this living abroad I hate. Two questions that drives me crazy, ruins my day.
First one is - when are you gonna do something with your life?
Second one is - what does your parents think about you not getting an education or getting a real job?
I'm doing more with my life than most people that only wants to get an education and then get a job and save money. I do save money so that I can see what the world has to show me, and that my dear friends is definitely to do something with your life! I'm not saying you're doing wrong and I'm doing right BUT if this is what I wanna do for the next 5 or maybe even 10 years why are you concerned about it? I promise I'm doing fine. I don't care if you spend 5 years of your life in school while I spend 5 years seeing the world. School, kids and get married is something I can do later, but travel the world when you have children and so on is not as easy as for me. But I think you all should try it.
And then the second one - what my parents think? They tell me they're happy about me doing what I love and what I wanna do and I'm pretty sure they're being honest. And why should they care? I get myself around (most of the time) and I save money from what the jobs I get pay me and then I travel. It's not like I borrow money for this... I don't know why this would be such a big problem for some people out there. If this is what I wanna do why the hell should my parents care about it? I'm not a criminal.
So please please please, I'm asking you to think what you're doing with your life before judging mine.
Sorry if this was a little rough but it needed to get it out, and if you're enjoying me traveling the world and like to follow my adventure - then don't care about this post! Love you!
The war...
There's been a war in Rhodes since I got here. A war between us and the barstreet people. A war I won't be a part of anymore, takes too much of my energy and why should I fight with people I have no reason to fight with. Some (and I only mean some) of them are actually nice.
For those of you who haven't been here or know much about this island. Here comes the story about the island. Rhodes is the BIG partyisland for Scandinavians. Younger Scandinavians. And a lot the people working there are from Sweden and Norway. Which makes it even a bigger party place. It's also a big party place for English people but they live 20 k south of town so we don't have to deal with that here. Haha
I've been at the bar street a couple of times but it's not a place for me. I'm waaaay too old. Haha!
New day and new possibilities
Yesterday's post wasn't very happy, sorry about that.
For all of you that texted me last night, first of all thanks. I love you guys! But dont worry, I'm always fine and you know I won't give up. I'm almost half way thru my summer here and I'm not going home before October! Greece is too amazing for me to leave a place like this, and one of you told me last night that it'll all be the same when I go home so why are you not just enjoying Rhodes while you can? And that's exactly what I'll try to do. And what I've tried to do since I got here too.
Today is a nice day, the thermometer shows +35 C, 95 F, and just packed my bag to go to the beach.
Homesick as never before
I've told you about this before. But it reached new levels. I know I've always said that if you go out do things and just stop thinking about home you won't be homesick. But I am, and I can't do a thing bout it. And that drives me crazy. The worst thing is that it only gets worse for every day...
But I think I've realized why I'm homesick. Greece is first of all a lot like home, except the heat. I can find almost any Swedish things I miss, except the ones I miss the most. My friends and family! It's been a hard time since I got here, I haven't made any close friends that I can hang out with like I do at home. And I think this is the reason I miss Sweden so badly.
Also, one other thing hit me yesterday. While I was following a friend of mine finishing an iron man in Idaho, USA. Which was an awesome experience for me. I don't know what to say, I'm
Impressed. Congrats! I miss swimming, and I miss all the hours I spent by the pool with my boys. And not just. This I miss the atmosfear at the pool where I used to work, I miss my friends from there and I miss all the laughs.
A blogger wrote about being homesick a while ago, sorry about this but it'll be in Swedish.
Känn och våga känn, gråt, ring någon där hemma - men glöm inte att gå ut igen och hitta på saker. Fånga landet du är i, knyt vänskapsband och kontakter, lär dig allt du kan. Hemma finns kvar när du är redo för det.
With those words (use google translate if you don't speak Swedish ;)) I'm gonna fight for this summer to be not the best because it's hard to beat the one in Seattle but for it to be a good one. Thanks Jennifer!
THE beach
Compared to all the other times I've lived close to the beach in a warm country this is the first time I'm actually enjoying it a hundred percent and I go to the beach and spend hours there. (And I'm pretty sure I'm the only guide here that goes to the beach as soon as you get more than two hours off from work)

Today I tried a new beach, and I found my place, THE beach. It is amazing! It's called agia marina and it's a small place with fifty sunbeds maybe :)
I have one word, amazing!
While I spent my day off on the beach I had to tell two Greek boys (kids) that they can't throw sand on my, the first time I told the in a nice tone, the second time also (believe it or not) BUT the third time I got crazy. Their mum say right next to me and she didn't do anything! Oh my! I think everybody at the beach was looking at me, but I don't care. They stopped and that's all I wanted :) I also had to save a baby from drowning. He's parents just let him play and they drank beer. This little boy was 2-3 years old and he fell in the water and couldn't get up and the parents didn't see him. I'm glad I did!

The ocean
I definitely love living this close to the ocean and I have no idea how I'll be able to move away from the water.

The first thing I see in the morning is the ocean. And the last thing I see before I go to sleep is the ocean.
I've made a deal with myself. I have to swim everyday. And it's amazing, even if it's a little cold still. But after a few minutes you get used to it.
Today I spent almost half an hour in the ocean and I feel great now.

Today I brought a friends daughter and her friend with me.

Last week I brought my mum to the beach (or actually she brought me to the beach)
Flat tire
Oh my. An other flat tire. I have no idea what's going on, but this is the forth time I get a flat tire since I got here two months ago, and I've never had one before. This time it was on the car and it took 2 hours for someone to come help me fix it. (So now how to change a tire is on the lost of what I need to learn this winter, I hope I have time before my trip to South America)

Island tour
This morning I signed a contract for the rental car to take my mum around the island (and myself). We drove around the whole thing, and it took the whole day :)

After Prasonissi we went all the way up to Monolithos. There's an amazing view and a monastery. We also stoped to buy some peanuts from Theodor (the guy we stopped with the last time I went around the island)

In the church we lit some candles for our family, and my colleague and her husband. That's an other interesting thing, I would never go to church in Sweden, but here I visit all churches I find and I always light candles for my family and friends!

It all started with that I forgot my glasses at home so that we had to turn around and go back home. We started again and drove to Tsambika to see if I could get my bikini back that I forgot there last week, they didn't have it so we drove away and headed towards Prasonissi, the southest (?) part of Rhodes. We were expecting something amazing, but it was just dirty... And full of kite surfers ;) I like it a lot! Maybe that's where I'm gonna take the class :)
Prasonissi is a sandbank, 1 km, before you get to a small island.

After Prasonissi we went all the way up to Monolithos. There's an amazing view and a monastery. We also stoped to buy some peanuts from Theodor (the guy we stopped with the last time I went around the island)

In the church we lit some candles for our family, and my colleague and her husband. That's an other interesting thing, I would never go to church in Sweden, but here I visit all churches I find and I always light candles for my family and friends!
We ended our day in Ancient Kamiros, which is a town that was abandoned a looong time ago.

And after a hot walk there we went to the beach for the daily swim! Today it was really really really cold!

And I have to show you... When we drove in to town after we had dinner the ocean was amazing!

Hopped on a boat
And I ended up here...

Here's the proof!

Chalki has an amazing tiny (of course) church with a clock tower that reminds of the one in Symi (the island I'm going to next week.

I wish I could bring all of you there so you could see it with your own eyes. Until then you can enjoy Chalki thru my photos :)

Chalki! What an amazing place.
Tuesday it was time for me and my colleague (still no names) to hop on a boat and go explore the island next to Rhodes. Or atleast one of them, chalk I is a tiny island, with only 370 inhabitants. This made us think, are all of them family or where do they find someone to marry, forgot to ask the guide but I have to try to remember to do that. Anyhow, chalki is such an amazing place! I wanna move there. So calm, not thousands and thousands of tourist (not that I don't like tourists but the amount on chalki was perfect), the ocean was WARM so I took the first dip for this year, it wasn't too warm and the people were nice.

Chalki has an amazing tiny (of course) church with a clock tower that reminds of the one in Symi (the island I'm going to next week.

Before we went there an other guide told me that we had to eat a special pastry from Chalki. I can't remember the name but it was filodouhg with vanillacream in between. I'm glad I tried it but it wasn't that good.. Above you can see the bakery that sells this pastry. And under is a picture of what it looks like.

I wish I could bring all of you there so you could see it with your own eyes. Until then you can enjoy Chalki thru my photos :)

After a looong day I had to lay down a little before the boat brought us back to Rhodes again.